Tuesday 7 May 2013

Fan Study (Star Wars/Twilight)

How do people consume star wars/twilight?

Star Wars and Twilight both have cult fan bases which are still running now even after the end of the films and books. Large groups of their fans have been known to camp outside movie theaters this just shows their dedication to these films not treating them as 'just' a film but as a huge part of their lives.

The way organisations market theses films is extremely important they aim all their promotion etc, at their fan-base, this is because these fan-bases are influentially very powerful bringing more people into them through word of mouth etc...

Twilights targeted audience was for, pre-teen to middle aged girls and women. Twilight certainly has got a high percentage of teenage girl fans and because their the main fans there parent or  guardian  would probably watch it with them. In saying this there going to be a variety of fans from all walks of life, its just the young female dominates this particular fan-base. Marketers for the film have done a great job attracting that target audience because it seems to have been successful. In my opinion the young female is one of the best audiences you can attract because they are very good at spread the word between their friends and it making something grow rapidly with the help of social networking sites etc...

Star Wars targeted audience was directed at the male teenage market, being sci-fi dubbed as a 'epic space opera',  it created another fantasy world for viewers to go into and this appeals to a wide audience this is because it has significant help with them forget about problems in their own lives, and lets them go into this dream world. Star Wars is known all over the world, Lucasfilm and AtomFillms holds a annual contest called 'The official Star Wars fan film awards' which showcase the growing genre of 'fan films' which are made for and by the fans about the fans of the Star Wars Saga.

Why do people become fans?

People become fans of these films because the films obviously mentally give them something that they crave for. With Star Wars I've got a screenshot of a couple of the fan base websites that have been created by fans, these fan bases are mostly all specific for a certain style of the fan to join e.g. Rebelscum and Jedi News. As you can see these fan bases are like cults where a member will have a large portion of there lives devoted to the Star Wars Saga.

The fans of Twilight don't have as many specific fan sites as Star Wars, but Twilight is still relatively very new to the world, nevertheless Twilight does have a mass following, I have got a screen shot of my search results for, 'Twilight fan club'. As you can see here there is a variety of fan sites for Twilight, where devoted fans can discuss anything Twilight.

This screenshot is of a website that links all of the twilight fan clubs together you can only see the, 'A and B', section and this goes all the way down to 'Z' so there is ALOT of fan clubs, this shows that there is a huge following for the saga.

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