Friday 27 June 2014

A New Chapter Of My Life

Since the end of sixth-form I've actually started to live my life, for someone like me sitting in dull classrooms with disruptive teenagers is an atmosphere I hate to be in, it drives me the opposite way from learning with the end result of me just switching off, thinking about better ways I could have been using my time.

I say this in a hateful way but don't get me wrong I've had a fantastic childhood and school life, its just as we grow older and wiser by the time of my last year in sixth-form I knew what I exactly wanted to do in life and I just wanted to get the work done as quickly as possibly and get the hell out of there!

After Sixth-form I went to University to study Radio Production, Living one hundred plus miles away from home was hard at first but I soon learned to love it, for me there is nothing better than having your own space. Luckily the people in my halls of residence were awesome they always made me laugh and I will always remember my first year with them in halls. Meeting the students on my course was great too we are only a small group of eleven of us, but us being radio students its great we all have similar interests and everyone seems to have a fairly good taste in music which is a huge plus for me.

Over the course of my first year at university I look back and would one hundred percent do it again, if anyone has any worries about going to university DON'T, seriously if you know what you want to do university will only be a positive for you, it will speed up the process of what you want to be/do so much more!

Since the course of my first year already, I'm a presenter and producer on the local University radio station with a two hour show every Tuesday afternoon, I've just finished being a presenter and producer on CRE8 Radio which is a local FM radio station in Staffordshire (UK) 87.7fm, doing a relaxing Sunday afternoon show, my slot is called music icons and present/produce a short documentary/discography style radio programme, similar to BBC Radio 2's Sound of the Sixties/Seventies. Also my latest project is EncoreFm my very own internet radio station, you can check it out at,

 but as I'am the only real presenter/DJ on there, so it remains offline fifty percent of the time, but please give the facebook page a like and you will be able to know when any programmes are going out or if we are live etc... please go to 
Thank you very much!

Also if you want to check out any of my music icon shows from CRE8 Radio they are on my sound cloud here...

I've now finished my first year, moved out of halls and living back at home in London, I've achieved a lot in the past year but since uni I stopped going to the gym and because work was demanding lost contact with a lot of my good friends, it has made me realise these are part of the key to my happiness, and my newest adventure is to get back into shape and let the people around me know I love them.

My next post will be about my adventure to the lake district with my brother and cousin, it was truly an epic journey! Do not miss out!

If you ever want a nice little chat you can always add me on Facebook as well...

The Sunshine's been awesome here in London recently, so I thought I might go and feed the squirrels in my local park, here's a little picture of my antics...

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