Tuesday 12 February 2013

Interview Research for Van Susans

Interview Research for Van Susans 


Tell me about the band and how it got together?

Yeah em... Me and Rob were the people that started off the band, we've been in a band together since we were fourteen, but they feel apart because we were just kids really, but how this band got together I was doing a work placement in London for a year, but I'm usually in Plymouth, but anyway when i came back I gave Rob a call to get the band back together, and Rob said yeah why not!
Ed is actually Rob's brother and then there's Tim who's also a brother, so there's three brothers in the band so it happened like that, and then there's Ollie Green then pianist is my brothers best mate so got him in the band by that, and then holly (fiddle player) has only recently joined, so yeah thats us.

This is a very important question to ask because people that haven't heard of the band need to have some sort of background information on them. This was a successful question as the band gave a detailed in-depth answer.

You have an album coming out this summer, can you tell me a little bit about the album how long has it taken you to write?

emm... we actually using songs, because its our debut album, so one of the songs called, 'don't get me off', me and rob wrote when we was fifteen, so now we've taken that and changed it into something new. So it is all the songs we've ever written together and putting them onto the album, and obviously picking the best ones, its got twelve tracks on it altogether and its called, 'pause in the moment', its out at the end of May, so yeah we cant wait for it.

This is also a very important question, this is because it will firstly make the band happy because it promotes their product. Secondly this is important because it tells the audience what the band have been doing. 

How does the creative process work in the band? Who does what and how does it start?

We all do something different really, but we have three core writers of the band and that is, Ollie, myself and the drummer Rob, and we all have different writing styles, but we all tend to write something on our own and then come back to the band to see if it works, but really there is no method. Yeah like I write the lyrics but then with the music we all just share and then compete to write then next best song really. Ed tends to write the ones that are complicated because he's the crazy musician nut, and Rob writes the pop-ie sorta ones, but me I'm kinda in-between.

So what would be your advice for anyone who's starting out in a band or trying to make it in the music industry?

I feel this is a great question to ask because obviously the audience viewing this interview are going to be interested in music, not all of them will be musicians but there are a good chance of people that would have at one point in there lives thought about the idea of pursueing a career in the music industry because it is considered a 'dream' job. So this question is great because the audience will relate to it and it directly refers back to the audience which is very engaging.

Was it your mum who got hit by an air ballon at a gig?

This is a very humourous question, this is great for the interview because any one in the audience will be interested in this because its quite a shocking question to ask, the informal tone of this question makes it very easy to get involved/engaged within the conversation. 

1 comment:

  1. You and Oz worked hard on this research Rob, good work. This is now at Distinction level.
