Thursday 7 February 2013

Location Recce

Location Recce

This is a satellite view of Ravens Wood School, this is were we are going to do research and some production for this documentary. Also we will get interview(s) here from the music department because they will have a good understanding and opinion on music.
I have taken pictures of my own, I done this in the music room where I would like to do the interview with Tim Dullaway. This room is ideal for the interview because it has a lot of music equipment around which will help the audience of our interview understand immediately that it is about music. This room is good because it is spacious, so I could maybe get lights in there as well to give the interview a much more professional look. 


  1. Rob, there are a few spelling mistakes in here, but you need to add me as an admin for me to be able to highlight them for you.

    The photos are very good, and well done for evaluating why the room in well suited to your purposes.

    Grade - Distinction (when you've corrected your spellings)

  2. U27 LO3

    Distinction - Planned to near pro standards

    U5 LO2

    Distinction - Planned to near pro standards
