Wednesday 3 April 2013

Interview Evaluation Final

What went well?
This was our second attempt at this interview, thankfully Tim our interviewee agreed to do another interview, we wanted to do the interview again because in our previous the mise-en-scene was poor with plug sockets with wires hanging off the wall in the background which doesn't make for a particularly satisfying interview aesthetically. So this time around, we located a rather interesting antique 'thronesque' gentleman's chair for our subject (T.Dullaway) to be seated in, with the neck of his fender P bass laying next to him. Me and my work partner feel the look of this interview is rather basic but its simplicity works well because it shows the audience what the interviews all about; a gifted musician and his bass.

Interviewing Tim was a pleasure as me and him already know each other we used to practise in a band together, he is a very shy person so me having this insider approach he felt very comfortable around me thus giving me some great answers. I stuck to a similar style of interviewing as I did in my previous interview, I had some main questions I wanted to ask him but from then I just improvised leading a question on from his answers. Throughout the interview me (interviewer) and Tim didn't stall or hesitate asking and answering questions, I feel that this shows that it has been a great success in how the questions were presented to Tim, and that he felt comfortable to answer each one with confidence and depth.

The camera work for this interview was a joint effort as I couldn't man it when I was concentrating on interviewing so for the main interview where the camera is mostly sitting on the tripod my work mate manned the camera but the rest of the little shots were done by me as I knew these would add a lot to it in the edit. We both feel that the filming throughout the interview was a success. For some of Tim's responses the my work mate would zoom into Tim's face to possibly capture any emotion shown. This was shown when the question about how he felt leaving the Van Susans, we was hoping he'd of shown some more emotion because of this some could say sad thing but he isn't to bothered by it as he tells you about how he's involved in lots of different musical enterprises.

Even better if?

Between me and my work mate we feel that with this interview there was only one major fault that should have been noted way before the interview had even begun to be shot.
 It has been caught to my attention that our idea to shoot the interview in front of a window, the makes the camera struggle to focus which isn't good nevertheless I still feel Tim is in the shot fine with the light behind him nicely highlighting the outline of his head. But what this problem meant was the camera was mainly trying to focus on the light outside and not on the Interviewee Tim, this could have been fixed simply by running a couple of tester shots of the interview, so I could make a better decision to plan out a perfect location for the interviewee to be seated in.

I feel the interview was a success but I could of maybe structured the questions better in the order of how I say them, this is because aestetically it doesn't look fantastic with all the cuts in the edit, this could just be a personal prefrence but I would of rather said them in a structured order so that then the interview had more flow.

1 comment:

  1. Rob,

    This is a good evaluation Rob it will get you a Merit. To get a distinction you will need to focus on how effective specific questions were. If you focus on three specific questions that worked well and three that didn't go quite as planned and discuss them in detail, this will get you a distinction.
