Tuesday 23 April 2013

Presentation Feedback

James feedback is 'alright' could of been a lot more in-depth, but looking at what we already have here; it gives a good indication on how we projected our idea onto the potential investors and just to see if the idea was effective and investable.
  • He has understood the core of our idea which is the music industry but it would have been nice to of seen him mention the band 'Van Susans', in this section which are who we are interviewing but he seems to have understood what we are wanting to get out of our interview.
  • This answer about it being a personal touch is nice but unfortunately isn't particularly necessary unless he's talking about the way we are filming within the same school part of the band grown up in and one member (Tim) currently works at part-time.
  • Im glad he noticed this question for my best because I felt it was good because it will give other music lovers a lot of satisfaction possibly opening another musician to them.
  • I cant particularly think why this would be a bad question but maybe I could word it differently like, how long have you guys been playing for? instead.

Olivia & Savannah have given some well thought-out and detailed feedback, which will be very useful for me.

  • Very detailed perfectly understood our purpose, and aim of our interview.
  • This is interesting they have found this what makes my interview unique because I never thought this would but thinking about it again possibly this could give it a unique touch that I could take advantage of.
  • These best and worst questions are all good to know because then I can be notified if I should add certain topical questions or take any bad questions out, hopefully then the interview will be more satisfying for its audience.
  • Great piece of feedback here with them saying what we have got but what we possibly could need, and this is very important to me because they are very relevant and I have thought about using some archive footage.

1 comment:

  1. Rob,

    This is a decent post, you have evaluated the feedback well. Shame you couldn't get feedback from all the groups, but you have evaluated what feedback you received to Merit level.
