Wednesday 24 April 2013

Production Log - Interview

Production Log

Interview no.1

Week 1

This was the first session of filming our interview which seemed rather rushed as Tim had a music lesson to attend to with a student. So there wasn't much time for our group to set up a professional looking miss-en-scene however the interview was still conducted and continued on. For this we decided to only use 2 shots with no introduction shots taken. These shots were of Tim and one shot of the interviewers hands with the question paper (Rob) in this session our questions were asked and awnswerd and the interview filming was finished.

Week 2

At the start of week 2 we then began to upload the clips to the program final cut on one of the mac computer in the media department at school. Our group then began to place the clips into order and begin the editing process.

Week 3

At this point we unfortunantly ran into a very large problem regarding the mise-en-scene. We sat through our interview with our media teacher (Mr Southworth) who gave a small rapid review on the interview, immediately there was a large issue with the mise-en-scene which we agreed on. We claimed that our interview would have a professional sense of musical mise en scene within it however in this was not evident and a decision was made to continue editing the interview in the next week, and re-arrange another time to re-conduct the interview, this time in a much more professional way.

Week 4 

This was the last session of editing for the poor interview however we still finish it by placing it in order. We thought that by finishing it and placing it on our blogs we could compare the difference between the old and the new and how much better it would look visually. At this point we then began to contact our interviewee once again to remarriage a time to conduct the interview again from our faults.

Re-filmed interview

Week 1


When filming the interview we decided to use a number of different shots to generate a good story-like intro to our interview (our shot list shows an in detail description of each shot) We decided to use these different angles for the introduction as we thought it could make a good introduction to our subject. The filming was conducted in one of the rehearsal rooms in the Music section of the school again. However this time when filming, our group made sure that the mise-en-scene was of a much more professional standard due to the first time the interview conducted, the mise-en-scene was very poor. This area of RavensWood school suited the subject very well. As well as generating a good introduction when filming the interview in this session, we also shot one angle for the main body of the interview where the questions were asked towards Tim. 

Week 2


This session is the first of the editing process, our group have imported the filmed clips from the camera onto one of the media departments Mac computers. We have uploaded the clips into Final Cut (editing program) we have now also started to splice the clips into order (starting with the introduction to the interview giving it a title and placing all of the intro shots together in a professional order.

Week 3

This week of editing we started to add different effects to the interview such as shortening some of the clips within the introduction to the interview. A good example of this being shown is when there is a shot of an amplifier for a few seconds then shoots straight to another guitar within the music room shoots quickly back to the amplifier. At this point of editing we also added the audio of the clips to suit each part of the introduction, we had to make sure the audio fitted when Tim's fingers were playing the strings of the bass guitar otherwise we would've faced another problem of a continuity error.

Week 4 

This was the last week of editing for the re-filmed interview and not much of a variety of editing occurred within this week. However this was the most important piece of editing that had to be conducted for the interview. At the end of each question our group decided to show a cut to transition from question to question to show that the subject had changed or moved onto another question being directed at Tim. We thought this would make the interview look much more professional and clear to follow. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a in depth piece of reflective writing Rob, to nail a Distinction for this post, you need to visually demonstrate what went wrong with your first attempt.
