Friday 14 June 2013

Animation: Analysis of Movement

Previously mentioned in other pieces of work, I had to re-film this animation as the first rendition was not up to the standard I would of liked, this was due to the extremely unsatisfying camera shots jumping around. This made it hard to even focus on the characters and make out they are even moving. With this new re-shot animation I have solved these issues, I done this by using a solid tripod with weights to hold it down, this made sure the camera was still  when taking the shots. This piece of work is going to be based on the new re-filmed version.

I have taken screenshots of some of the main movement within this animation, these screenshots will give you a basic representation of the movement of the charters and objects.  

This first screen shot shows a homeless person in the middle of the shot, he is in a residential street and you can see he has his back up against  a wall, to comply with the stereotypical homeless 'look', I have wrapped him in a piece of felt to look like a cover for warmth. The homeless man doesn't move a lot as he is sitting on the floor, but if you move your attention to the two characters right on the sides of the frame the man is coming into the shot and the woman is chatting with another pedestrian and getting ready to move out of shot. I shot the animation from this angle because this is how I feel you'd see this situation happening in the street, in the perspective of a pedestrian in the street. 

In the second and third screenshot you can see it is relatively the same as the first original one, other than now  in these it is evident that the outside characters are moving the gentleman on the right hand side of the frame is walking with a normal pace towards the homeless man, and the woman on the left side of the screen is departing from her conversation and leaving the frame.

In these screenshots we lose one character and have the entrance of an object and slightly part of a character that quickly comes out of frame again. In the first shot of these four, you can just about see on the right hand side that the entrance of a green car is starting to become apparent. Also the man in the middle has walked to the homeless man and he is about to put money in the homeless man's cup interacting with him. The woman is still in the frame but she is walking out of the shot, and the person she was talking to has had more coverage in this shot as he starts to cross the road. In the next couple of screenshots you can see this movement progresses at a suitable and accurate rate to make the movement smooth like as it were real. The main progression is the car coming across the screen, as you can see I used manual focus to keep focus on the homeless man as he is the main character and the car is just for mise en scene. The man putting money into the homeless mans cup, gestures in the last shot here to 'look up', at the graffiti/sign on the wall behind him.

In this section of shots you can see there is a complete change in setting, and use of real life footage even though it is still in the stop motion format. In these shots it shows with a close up that the gentleman was putting money into the homeless mans cup and then the gentleman points up at the sign to tell the homeless man to look up. 

In this small section it cuts back to the previous setting and the movement just carries on progressing to give a smooth transition not cutting important scenes out 

In this section of shots its very basic the man giving the homeless man money is starting to depart from the shot, he has just spoken to the homeless man and told him to look up at the sign on the wall above him, and now he is walking off to disappear from the frame; this gradually progresses within these shots. Another change in movement in these shots is that the homeless man stands up and turns around to observe this sign the kind man was telling him to look at; this progresses within these shots as well.

This section of shots shows a change in setting, here we see the homeless man in his new room smiling and looking much healthier. The movement in this carries on from the previous shots outside where he's got his back to the camera and then... in these shots he starts of with his back to the camera and then turns around looking much happier he has had help from Crisis a charity to help homeless people and get them off the street.

At the end of this in the last shot you can't see it in the screenshots but the character twists his hand giving a 'waving' effect aswell to emphasis he is in good health. 

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