Wednesday 19 June 2013

Annotated screen grabs of edit

Within this document I'm going to briefly explain the process of my edit on my stop motion style animation for the charity Crisis, who help try and get the homeless off the street and their lives back on track. 

1. In this first section of edit it is introducing the actual stop motion animation, their isn't any effects that have been put on it to add to its visual appearance. The basic raw edit within the visual aspect of the animation has been made through iStopMotion which is where I have sorted my edit already, putting the images in order and taking out the unwanted material, (e.g practise shots and general unsatisfying shots where the camera isn't focused properly)
Also to assist the visual aspect of this animation a soundtrack has been added. The soundtrack within this animation is a very basic ambient style of audio, I feel this style of audio gives a reflective response to the audience which is perfect for this advertisement as it gets the viewer to start thinking about they have helped the planet.

2. Within this 'layer' of the edit, the visual animation and the soundtrack are still playing within it, but I have added a voiceover in this section to start explaining what this advertisement is about and why it has been made. The voiceover was recorded at my home where I used a large diaphragm condenser microphone to record onto a piece of software called Mixcraft, where I then mixed the file into a mp3 format so I could then drag it into Final Cut to get edited into the finished product that it is now. I my voice over in the position I felt it would be most effective in the animation as I didn't want it to start too early or finish to early as this wouldn't give a satisfying feel. The music underneath backing this voiceover has been used in adjacent to it, this is to stress Crisis's message, and ultimately get people to donate to this charity.

3.Within this final Stage/layer of this edit the soundtrack and voiceover are still playing, however the visual animation part has finished now and it has transcended into a picture of the charity Crisis's logo and I have used the program LiveType to create text in a certain position, with this I positioned it the way I desired and then picked an appropriate font and then also put a motion effect on it, I picked a very simple effect as I didn't want to ruin the look of the advert with a inappropriate motion that would confuse the audience. After creating this I saved the file as a .MOV and then imported it to final cut adding it into the edit. With the soundtrack near the end I started to fade this audio out to let the viewer know that the advert was finishing, this I feel gives a polished and satisfying feel to the advertisement. 

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